He might no more die, but He would not stint of working: wherefore then it behoveth Him to feed us for the dearworthy love of Motherhood hath made Him debtor to us. And when He had finished, and so borne us to bliss, yet might not all this make full content to His marvellous love and that sheweth He in these high overpassing words of love: If I might suffer more, I would suffer more. We know that all our mothers’ bearing is us to pain and to dying: and what is this but that our Very Mother, Jesus, He-All-Love-beareth us to joy and to endless living?-blessed may He be! Thus He sustaineth us within Himself in love and travailed, unto the full time that He would suffer the sharpest throes and the most grievous pains that ever were or ever shall be and died at the last.

This office none might, nor could, nor ever should do to the full, but He alone. The Mother’s service is nearest, readiest, and surest: for it is most of truth. (And that He shewed in the First where He brought that meek Maid afore the eye of mine understanding in the simple stature as she was when she conceived.) That is to say: our high God is sovereign Wisdom of all: in this low place He arrayed and dight Him full ready in our poor flesh, Himself to do the service and the office of Motherhood in all things.

Our Kind Mother, our Gracious Mother, for that He would all wholly become our Mother in all things, He took the Ground of His Works full low and full mildly in the Maiden’s womb. BUT now behoveth to say a little more of this forthspreading, as I understand in the meaning of our Lord: how that we be brought again by the Motherhood of Mercy and Grace into our Nature’s place, where that we were made by the Motherhood of Nature-Love: which kindly-love, it never leaveth us.