This quickly turns into Tear Jerker when Calvin apologizes and tells him he already feels terrible, with his dad now visibly sorry about yelling at Calvin. The third panel is particularly uncomfortable with Dad's face drawn with more detail than usual. When dad finds out, we're treated to a POV of him screaming at Calvin for the first three panels which can hit close to home for anyone who had an angry parent yell at them as a child. The arc where Calvin breaks his dad's binoculars.The situation is Played for Laughs, but the deeper implication that the two of them were ready to steal a bulldozer and start flattening occupied houses is more than a little disturbing. The next panel shows Hobbes sitting in a parked bulldozer lamenting that the construction workers hadn't left behind the keys. In one strip, Calvin is angered by a local forest that had been cleared for trees, and then questions how people would like it if subdivisions were bulldozed in order to plant trees.

Two giant, bony hands with long fingers come out of the darkness.

If you were to believe that any of Calvin's adventures through space and time were real, the idea that his parents were inches from losing their only child several times would be nauseating.So, you thought Calvin and Hobbes was innocuous? Well, you're wrong dead wrong, as you think again, you will prepare to visit your worst nightmares!